Quality, Data Protection & Inclusive Policies

Quality PolicY

  • We provide high-quality training programs to meet the demands of our students.
  • We create strong industry-institute connections in order to produce high-quality learners.
  • To be globally competitive, we constantly improve our learning services.
  • We ensure that rules and standards are followed.
  • Our objective at SFA is to provide top quality training programs on schedule.

Data Protection PolicY

Sapphire Fitness Academy (SFA) has to preserve some information about its staff members, learners, and other users in order to monitor performance, accomplishments, and health and safety, among other things. It must also process information so that staff can be hired and paid, courses can be planned, and legal duties to funding bodies and the government need to be met.

To be in accordance with the law, information must be acquired and used fairly, held securely, and not unlawfully revealed to any other person. To do so, we adhere to the Data Protection Principles established by the Data Protection Act of 1998.

In summary, the information must:

  • Be obtained and handled in a fair and legal manner, and will not be used unless specific conditions are met.
  • Be obtained for a specific and legal reason and not handled in any way that is incompatible with that purpose.
  • Be adequate, relevant, and not excessive for those objectives.
  • Be precise and up to date.
  • Should not be maintained for a longer period than required.
  • Be handled in accordance with the rights of the data subject.
  • Be safeguarded against unauthorized access, unintentional loss, or destruction.
  • Not be transferred to a country other than India unless that country provides equal standards of personal data security.

Harassment PolicY

Policy summary and objective: Our anti-harassment policy demonstrates our commitment to maintaining a harassment-free workplace so that our staff can feel safe and happy. We will not tolerate anyone in our workplace threatening, degrading, or hurting others. We also forbid discrimination on the basis of [age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious belief, or disabilities].


This policy covers every staff member, workers, public visitors, customers, and anybody else with whom employees come into contact at work. Please see our sexual harassment policy and our third party harassment policy for further information on how to identify, report, and deal with sexual harassment and harassment from outside our firm.

Policy Components:

  • What is the definition of workplace harassment?
  • Bullying, intimidation, direct insults, malicious gossip, and abuse are all examples of harassment. We can’t provide an entire list, but here are some examples of harassment:
  • Intentionally destroying someone’s job.
  • Taking part in repeated or unwanted advances of any kind.
  • Commenting negatively on someone’s ethnicity or religious views.
  • Beginning or spreading stories about another person’s personal life.
  • Mocking someone in front of others or calling them out to perform unrelated activities (such as bringing coffee) against their will.

Sexual harassment is unlawful, and we will thoroughly examine any claims of it. If an employee is found to have engaged in sexual harassment, they will be fired.

  • How to Deal with Harassment: 
  • You can contact any of the following people if an employee or customer is harassing you:

Offenders: If you feel an offender is unaware they are harassing others, you could speak with them directly to try to fix the situation. This strategy is appropriate in circumstances of minor harassment (for example, improper jokes between coworkers). Use this strategy with consumers or other stakeholders at all costs.

Your supervisor: If your claim involves consumers, stakeholders, or team members, you should contact your manager. Your manager will evaluate your circumstances and, if necessary, contact HR.

HR: Please contact HR in any case of harassment, no matter how minor it appears. In circumstances of extreme harassment (e.g., sexual approaches) or if your manager is involved in your claim, contact HR as soon as possible for your protection. Anything you reveal will be kept strictly secret.

Disciplinary Actions:

Harassment punishment varies according to the severity of the offense and may involve counseling, warnings, suspensions, or termination.

Equality and Diversity Policy

The Sapphire Fitness Academy (SFA) is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive culture throughout the organization. It is in our best interests to promote diversity and prevent discrimination at work.

Our aim is to make sure that every staff member and job candidate are treated fairly and that our organization is reflective of all segments of society. As a result, each employee will be appreciated and cherished, and they will be able to give their all.

This policy confirms our commitment to providing equal and fair treatment to all employees regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, color, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, or gender and sexual orientation. We oppose all sorts of illegal and unfair discrimination.

Every staff member, whether part-time, full-time, or temporary, will be treated properly and respectfully. SFA will select candidates for employment, promotion, training, or any other benefit based on their qualifications and abilities. Every staff member will be assisted and encouraged to reach their maximum potential and make the most of their particular talents. As a result, our organization’s skills and resources will be effectively used, and we will maximize the efficiency of our entire staff.

Commitments of the Sapphire Fitness Academy (SFA):

  • To create an environment in which all team members’ individual characteristics and contributions are recognized and acknowledged.
  • To create a work environment that encourages the dignity and respect of all employees.
  • To prohibit intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to punish individuals who violate this policy.
  • To provide all employees with opportunities for training, growth, and development.
  • To encourage workplace equality, which SFA feels is good management practice and makes good financial sense,.
  • To encourage anyone who believes they have been subjected to discrimination to share their concerns so that we can take appropriate action.
  • Employees should be encouraged to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • To examine all of our employment policies and procedures on a regular basis to ensure fairness at all times.

SFA will inform all workers that an equality and diversity policy is in effect and that they are required to comply with its standards and promote workplace equality. Funding agencies, stakeholders, customers, learners, and job candidates shall all be made aware of the policy.

Our policy will be assessed and monitored on an annual basis to ensure that equality and diversity are consistently promoted in the workplace.

Safe-Guarding Policy

This policy statement’s aim and scope

As part of its efforts, the Sapphire Fitness Academy works with learners. These include all courses provided at our institute.

This policy statement’s aim is to:

  • To safeguard learners and young people who access the services of the Integrated Fitness and Sports Institute. Adult learners who use our services are included.
  • To communicate the underlying concepts that guide our methodical approach to learner protection to parents, staff, and participants.

This policy statement applies to everyone who works with Sapphire Fitness Academy, including senior management and the board of directors, paid staff, volunteers, sessional workers, agency staff, and students.

We believe:

  • Abuse of any type should never happen to students or young people.
  • We have a responsibility to support the well-being of all learners and young people, to keep them safe, and to practice in a safe manner.

We acknowledge:

  • The learner’s well-being comes first.
  • All learners have the right to equal protection from all sorts of injury or abuse, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, color, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
  • Some students are particularly vulnerable due to the influence of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication requirements, or other concerns.
  • Collaboration between learners, young people, their parents, caretakers, and other agencies plays an essential role in encouraging young people’s welfare.

We will work to keep students and young people safe by doing the following:

  • Valuing, hearing, and respecting them
  • Appointing a qualified learner protection/safeguarding lead, a deputy learner protection/safeguarding lead, and a safeguarding lead trustee/board member
  • Creating policies and processes for learner protection and safeguarding according to best practices
  • Using our safeguarding protocols to share concerns and relevant information with authorities who need to know, as well as appropriately involve learners, young people, parents, families, and carers
  • Creating and maintaining an anti-bullying atmosphere, as well as ensuring that we have a policy and procedure in place to deal with any bullying that occurs
  • Creating and putting in place an effective online safety policy and procedure
  • Sharing best practices for child safety and safeguarding with learners, their families, staff, and others through brochures, posters, group activities, and one-on-one discussions.
  • Safely recruiting staff members and volunteers while ensuring all relevant checks are performed
  • Supervision, support, training, and quality assurance procedures are used to provide successful management for workers and volunteers.
  • Implementing a code of conduct for staff and volunteers, as well as employing our procedures to handle any claims made against staff and volunteers
  • Making sure that we have efficient complaint and reporting processes in place
  • Ensuring that our learners, young people, staff, and others have a safe physical environment by implementing health and safety measures in compliance with the laws and regulatory guidance.
  • Professional and secure data recording and storage.

Related policies and procedures

This policy statement must be read according to our organization’s policies and procedures, which include:

  • Procedures for dealing with concerns regarding the well-being of a learner or young person
  • Managing claims of abuse against a learner or young people
  • The authorized safeguarding officer’s responsibilities
  • Managing complaints made against employees and volunteers
  • Improved recruitment policies and procedures
  • Ratios of adult-to-learner supervision
  • Staff and volunteer code of conduct
  • Policy and practices against bullying
  • Policy on online safety and procedures for dealing with complaints concerning online abuse
  • Guidance on photography and sharing images
  • Retention and storage strategy for learner protection records
  • Policy on reporting

Complaints Policy

  • We manage complaints fairly and consistently, with the goal of reaching satisfying resolutions.
  • SFA acknowledges written complaints and responds within a certain deadline.
  • We handle complaints in a reasonable and sympathetic manner, taking appropriate action.
  • Complainants must notify us via email within four weeks of the incident, raise concerns with staff as soon as possible, and provide specific details.
  • acknowledging circumstances beyond our control, grant us a reasonable amount of time to resolve the issue.
  • Except in unusual situations mentioned in the complaint, confidentiality is maintained.

Student Support Policy

As part of our commitment to equal opportunities, we make reasonable adjustments to ensure access and individual learning support for all learners. In terms of race relations, disability discrimination, and special educational needs, we support human rights. Our mission is to serve all learners in our programs with fair and equitable adaptations and special considerations, assuring their access to training as well as assessment.

We realize that in the following situations, appropriate adjustments or special considerations may be required during assessments:

Learners who have temporary limitations, medical issues, or special learning requirements.

Learners who are unable to participate in the assessment.

Our objective is to provide appropriate changes and special consideration arrangements while maintaining assessment equity, validity, and reliability. This guarantees that learners are recognized for their accomplishments.


This Appeals Policy and Procedure is intended to provide a fair and open process for students who want to contest an assessment judgment.

All learners have access to our standards for assessment, which serve as the foundation for assessing their performance.

All learners receive detailed written and verbal instructions, assessment criteria, and help prior to the assessment to ensure they are well-prepared.

Competent assessors with high qualifications and training evaluate all learners.

If a learner disagrees with an assessment judgment, they may appeal using the rules given in this Assessment Appeals Procedure.

Plagiarism Policy

We have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism and require all assessment material to be original. Plagiarism will result in penalties, and necessary steps will be implemented. All sources must be properly recognized and acknowledged in accordance with the SFA’s guidelines and regulations.

Refund & cancellation Policy


Refund Policy: It is normal for educational institutions to have a “no refund policy” once a student enrols in a course or program. This means that if a student decides to drop a course or program, they will not be refunded for their tuition. This policy is followed by SFA as well.

Once paid, the registration cost is non-refundable and non-adjustable. After the course price has been paid, no refund, adjustment, or transfer request will be considered under any circumstances.

Cancellation Policy: SFA has the right to change, modify, or cancel any terms and conditions

Enrollment Conditions:

The terms and conditions listed below (“terms and conditions of enrolment”) are binding on you if you sign up for a Sapphire Fitness Academy course.

Sapphire Fitness Academy refers to any references to “we,” “us,” or “our” in these terms and conditions.

If you require assistance or clarification on any of the following subjects, please contact us at info@sapphirefitnessacademy.com or +91 99776 11133.

  • Sapphire Fitness Academy holds admission rights.
  • When a student signs the enrollment form, it is considered that the student has read all of the institute’s rules and regulations.
  • When signed by the applicant and accepted by Sapphire Fitness Academy, the terms of enrollment become legally binding.


Course Change:

You are not permitted to alter your training course. A training course modification demand for an upgrade will be rejected; no downgrade demand will be allowed; and a training course cannot be adjusted for a charge. If you have any questions, please email info@sapphirefitnessacademy.com.

health and safety Policy

Our policy regarding health and safety is to:

  • Prevent incidents and instances of work-related sickness.
  • Manage workplace health and safety risks
  • Provide appropriate instructions and information, as well as proper training, to ensure that staff are capable of doing their duties.
  • Provide personal protective equipment (as needed).
  • Assure that substances or equipment are handled and used safely.
  • Provide and maintain a safe working environment and equipment.
  • Maintain a safe and healthy working environment
  • This policy should be reviewed and revised on a frequent basis.

All employees should:

  • Cooperate with supervisors and managers on issues related to health and safety; take necessary precautions to protect their own health and safety; and all health and safety issues should be reported to the relevant person.

Risk Management:

  • We will conduct risk assessments and take appropriate action.
  • When working habits or conditions change, we will perform a risk assessment review.


  • We will provide staff and workers with health and safety orientation and training (including working with heavy equipment and electrical safety).

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